We are building up a team of exceptional scientists and engineers who are interested in pursuing fundamentally innovative ideas in multidisciplinary research environment. Our lab has multiple position openings for postdoctoral or graduate researchers who have following interest but not limited to:
– Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials
– Surface chemistry and bio-conjugations
– Biosensors
– Drug delivery and bioimaging
– Molecular and cellular biology
Highly talented and motivated people at all stages of their academic career are welcome to get in touch. To apply for open positions, please email your CV including publications, brief statement of your research accomplishments and interest to Prof. Joo. If interested in pursuing graduate study in any relevant program at UNIST, including biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, biological science, chemistry, and others, please get in touch to Prof. Joo for more information.
Prior to apply the graduate admission, students are recommended to conduct the research internship in our lab. Undergraduate Research Fellowship of UNIST provides a research internship during summer (U-SURF) and winter (U-WURF) in our lab.
Jinmyoung Joo, Ph.D. (Biography)
Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
+ Graduate School of Health Science and Technology, UNIST
+ Center for Genomic Integrity, Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
+ Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), University of California, San Diego
Contact information:
– office: Engineering Building IV (110), 801-6
– voice: +82-52-217-3251
– email: jjoo@unist.ac.kr
Google scholar | Academic lineage | ORCID..
Jounghyun Yoo (yjh6798@unist.ac.kr)
Postdoc (2024.01 – present)
Sejong Science Fellowship (2024.09 – 2025.08)
– Visiting scholar at Prof. Wei Gao group in Caltech (2021.09 – 2022.09 / 2024.01 – present)
Postdoc, UNIST (2021-2022), Caltech (2022-2023), KIST (2019 – 2021)
PhD in Chemical Engineering, POSTECH (2019)
BS in Chemical Engineering, POSTECH (2014)
Junyoung Kim (jkim1009@unist.ac.kr)
Postdoc (2024.10 – present)
Postdoc, Oxford University / Imperial College London (2021-2024)
Postdoc, UNIST (2020-2021)
PhD in Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2020)
BS in Nano-Bio and Chemical Engineering, UNIST (2013)
Minjong Kim (mjkim00@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biological Science, UNIST (2017.03 – present)
BS in Biological Science, UNIST (2017)
Suhyun Kim (shkim9712@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2020.03 – present)
– Visiting student at Prof. Wei Gao group in Caltech (2023.04 – 2024.04)
BS in Chemical & Biological Engineering, Hanbat National University (2020)
Yonghoe Koo (kooyh@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2020.09 – present)
BS in Polymer Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology (2020)
– U-WURF internship, UNIST (2019 Winter)
– Research assistant, UNIST (2020.05 – 08)
Jin Hee Mun (mjh2539@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2021.03 – present)
– Visiting student at Prof. Gabe A. Kwong group in Georgia Tech (2024.04 – 2024.10)
BS in Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2021)
– Undergraduate research assistant, UNIST (2019.10 – 2021.02)
Minju Kim (minjuu@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2021.03 – present)
– Visiting student at Prof. Michael J. Sailor group in University of California, San Diego (2023.06 – 2024.05)
BS in Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University (2021)
– U-SURF internship, UNIST (2019 Summer)
Juyoung Seong (juyoungss@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2021.03 – present)
– Visiting student at Prof. David L. Mack group in University of Washington (2022.02 – 2023.02 / 2023.06 – 2025.12)
BS in Biochemistry, Kangwon National University (2021)
– U-SURF internship, UNIST (2019 Summer)
Woojung Yoo (woojunyoo2@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2021.09 – present)
– Visiting student at Prof. Ester J. Kwon group in University of California San Diego (2023.04 – 2024.04 / 2024.08 – 2025.02)
BS in Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (2021)
– U-SURF internship, UNIST (2019 Summer)
Eunjin Lee (ejlee@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2022.09 – present)
– Visiting student at Prof. Michael J. Sailor group in University of California, San Diego (2023.06 – 2024.06)
– Research assistant, UNIST (2022.04 – 2022.08)
BS in Chemistry, Chungnam National University (2022)
Jihyun Lee (jlee5517@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2022.09 – present)
– Visiting student at Dr. Kenneth A. Jacobson group in National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney, NIH (2024.03 – 2024.08)
MS in Public Health, University of Utah (2017)
BS in Nursing, Gachon University (2015)
Jaehyun Park (jaee@unist.ac.kr)
PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2023.03 – present)
MS in Medical Science, Kangwon National University (2023)
BS in Medical Biotechnology, Kangwon National University (2021)
Daeun Lee (leedaeun267@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2023.03 – present)
– IBS-UNIST Neuroscience program (co-advisor: Dr. Sangkyu Lee, IBS Center for Cognition and Sociality)
BS in Biological Science, Handong Global University (2023)
Younjin Jeong (dus1226@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2023.09 – present)
– Visiting student at Prof. Yvonne Mowery group in University of Pittsburgh (2024.03-2024.09)
BS in Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2023)
– Undergraduate research assistant, UNIST (2022.02 – 2023.06)
Jisu Im (justina@unist.ac.kr)
MS candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2024.03 – present)
BS in Biotechnology, The Catholic University of Korea (2024)
– U-SURF internship, UNIST (2023.07 – 2023.08)
Seohyun Kim (rlatjgus0710@unist.ac.kr)
MS candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2024.09 – present)
BS in Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2024)
– Undergraduate research assistant (2023.09 – 2024.08)
Dongyong Lee (dlehddyd819@unist.ac.kr)
MS/PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering (2025.03 – present)
BS in Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2025)
– Undergraduate research assistant (2024.03 – 2025.02)
Yeonji Lee (dlduswl@unist.ac.kr)
Senior, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2024.03 – present)
Kangmin Kim (kkm030513@unist.ac.kr)
Senior, Dept. of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2024.03 – present)
Hyesoo Shin (simsoo1230@unist.ac.kr)
Senior, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2024.09 – present)
Jiwon Yun (jiwony@unist.ac.kr)
Senior, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2025.01 – present)
Yujung Kim (yujungkim@unist.ac.kr)
Junior, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2025.01 – present)
Hye-Ji An (julia4228@unist.ac.kr)
Junior, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2025.01 – present)
Hyejeong Jeong (heyjeong@unist.ac.kr)
Junior, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2025.01 – present)
Jiwon Song (wayne0525@unist.ac.kr)
Sophomore, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, UNIST
– Undergraduate research assistant (2025.03 – present)
Our lab always opens for self-motivated undergraduate students who have multidisciplinary academic background. Please do not hesitate to contact directly to Prof. Joo.
Former group members
see Alumni page